Vaping Self-Assessment

Use the following vaping self-assessment to determine whether you might benefit from additional evaluation and support regarding your vaping use:

Vaping Self-Assessment

Important Vaping Information

UC Campus Policy

As of 2014, the entire University of California system is smoke-free and tobacco-free. Smoking, the use of smokeless tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and unregulated products are not allowed on UC-owned or leased properties. For more information about the policy, please visit this link:

Laws and Regulations

  • As of June 2016, e-cigarettes are included in California’s smoke-free laws. E-cigarette use is prohibited in workplaces and many public spaces, including restaurants and bars, It is permitted wherever smoking is permitted.
  • The city of Santa Barbara maintains strict smoke-free policies that prohibit smoking in most outdoor public areas. 
  • The city of Goleta does not allow the use of e-cigarettes or other vaping devices with work sites, enclosed public places, outdoor parks, service areas, or the majority of outdoor dining areas.  
  • For more information about Santa Barbara’s smoking laws, please visit this link:

Counseling Services 

  • The Alcohol and Drug Program offers free, individual counseling for students who wish to manage or eliminate their nicotine use. The student and Behavior Health Therapist create a personalized quit plan that may include four weeks of free NRT’s (Nicotine Replacement Therapies) in the form of nicotine gum, patches, or lozenges. Call for an appointment 805-893-5013
  • Reduce the Juice (RTJ) is a group offered to UCSB students to explore some of the myths surrounding vaping. 

 Risks of Vaping

  • Nicotine stunts brain development of adolescents 
  • Studies have demonstrated that vaping may have adverse effects on coronary functioning, respiratory health, circulatory functioning, and other body processes.
  • Because of a lack of longitudinal studies, it is still too early to determine how long term vape use may impact an individual later in life. 

Mental health

  • There may be underlying concerns that lead to an individual taking up vaping, including: anxiety, depression, decreased attention span, and loneliness.
    • APD Program has licensed Therapists available to assist
  • Research indicates that while people may believe that smoking or vaping helps them relax, it actually increases anxiety and tension. The feeling of temporary stress relief that many smokers and vapers feel is simply an alleviation of withdrawal symptoms. 

Myths of Vaping

FACT: Vaping is not an FDA-approved method of smoking cessation. In fact, some studies have indicated that vaping may lead people who did not originally smoke cigarettes to become dual users. NRT’s (Nicotine Replacement Therapies) such as nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges are FDA-approved methods of cessation and are freely offered by the Alcohol and Drug Program.

FACT: The vapor created by ecigs is actually an aerosol called propylene glycol. The aerosol contains nicotine, harmful chemicals, and toxins known to cause cancer such as formaldehyde, lead, and nickel. 

FACT: All major tobacco companies are now producing e-cigarettes. In less than ten years, Big Tobacco will sell the majority of e-cigarettes in the US.